type Html = [HtmlItem] data HtmlItem = HtmlChars String | HtmlContext HtmlTag Html | HtmlCommand HtmlTag | HtmlGarbage HtmlBadTag instance Eq HtmlItem instance Show HtmlItem type HtmlTag = (TagName, TagAttrs) type TagAttrs = [(String, String)] type HtmlBadTag = (String, TagAttrs)
is a data type for HTML documents.
An HTML document is a sequence of HTML items, represented by the type
. An item is either
some plain text (the constructor HtmlChars
an elements with some contents (the constructor HtmlContext
), or
an empty element (the constructor HtmlCommand
Parsing and printing HTML: parseHtml, printHtml.
Constructing HTML: ctx, h1, img, etc.
Manipulation HTML: mapHtmlChars, et al.
Analysing HTML: extractTitle, htmlchars, et al.
The type Html
does not capture what a correct HTML document is.
HTML elements can be mixed in arbitrary ways.