Systematic Design of Monads

John Hughes & Magnus Carlsson


Many useful monads can be designed in a systematic way, by successively adding facilities to a trivial monad. The capabilities that can be added in this way include state, exceptions, backtracking, and output. Here we give a brief description of the trivial monad, each kind of extension, and sketches of some interesting operations that each monad supports.

A more detailed treatment of the art of combining monads is found in [LHJ95] (PostScript) , which also uses Gofer to give a more elegant presentation by the use of constructor classes.

The Identity Monad

type I a = a
unit v = v
x `bind` f = f x
The identity monad represents computations as the values they deliver. It can support no interesting operations, but is the starting point to which other capabilities can be added.

Adding Capabilities

Assume that we already have a monad M, with operations unitM and bindM. We can then define new monads extending the capabilities of M. This is done by defining a new bind-operation, in terms of bindM, and a function liftNew,

liftNew :: M a -> MNew a
which turns operations in the underlying monad into the new monad. Not all monad operations can be lifted in this simple way, but most of them. In particular, the new unit can be expressed as
unitNew a :: MNew a
unitNew a = liftNew (unitM a)


type MSt s a = s -> M (a,s)
x `bindSt` f = \s -> x s `bindM` \(v,s') -> f v s'

liftSt :: M a -> MSt s a
liftSt m = \s -> m `bindM` \v -> unitM (v,s)
Useful operations include
fetchSt :: MSt s s
fetchSt = \s -> unitM (s,s)

storeSt :: s -> MSt s ()
storeSt s = \_ -> unitM ((),s)
One useful application of state monads is to manage input. Let the state be the list of input tokens remaining to be read. Then we can read a token with
get :: MSt [t] t
get = fetchSt `bindSt` \(t:ts) ->
      storeSt ts `bindSt` \_ ->
      liftSt (unitM t)

State Reader

The `state reader' monad manages a state that is never updated --- perhaps better thought of as a hidden parameter. You might use it if you want access to, say, the list of command line arguments, without passing it explicitly as a parameter throughout your program. It can also be used for recording variable environments which may be extended for subcomputations by means of extendSR.

type MSR s a = s -> M a
x `bindSR` f = \s -> x s `bindM` \v -> f v s

liftSR :: M a -> MSR s a
liftSR m = \s -> m

fetchSR :: MSR s s
fetchSR = unitM

extendSR :: s -> MSR s a -> MSR s a
extendSR s m = \_ -> m s


Given any associative operator

(<+>) :: t -> t -> t
with unit element z, we can define a monad by
type MMon t a = M (a,t)
x `bindMon` f = x `bindM` \~(v,a) ->
                f v `bindM` \~(w,b) ->
                unitM (w,a<+>b)

liftMon :: M a -> MMon t a
liftMon m = m `bindM` \v -> unitM (v,z)

putMon :: t -> MMon ()
putMon t = unitM ((),t)
The ~ symbols on the pair patterns make pattern matching lazy.


An important application is when the type t is a list of outputs produced. Here the operator <+> is list concatenation (++), and its unit is the empty list. This application motivates the lazy pattern matching in bindMon: it's important that the output is produced lazily, in particular that the output from the first sub-computation can be produced before the second sub-computation is started. Thanks to the second ~, the result of f v isn't required until either we try to evaluate the result w, or the output b from f v.


type MEx e a = M (Error e a)
data Error e a = Yes a | No e

x `bindEx` f = x `bindM` \y -> case y of
             Yes v -> f v
             No e -> unitM (No e)

liftEx m = m `bindM` \v -> unitM (Yes v)
unitEx v = unitM (Yes v)
Operations to raise and handle exceptions can be defined as shown:
raiseEx :: e -> MEx e a
raiseEx e = unitM (No e)

handleEx :: MEx e' a -> (e' -> MEx e a) -> MEx e a
x `handleEx` h = x `bindM` \y -> case y of
               Yes v -> unitM (Yes v)
               No e -> h e
Of course the exception value e can be omitted if not needed.

It can make a big difference if the exception monad is added on top of M, or if M is added on top of the exception monad. Try to build a state monad on top of an exception monad, and vice versa. What is the difference?


Backtracking can be added to any monad in a similar way:

type MBt a = M [a]
x `bindBt` f = x `bindM` \vs ->
             foldr orelseBt failBt (map f vs)

liftBt :: M a -> MBt a
liftBt m = m `bindM` \v -> unitM [v]

infixl 5 `apM`
apM :: M (a -> b) -> M a -> M b
fm `apM` fx = fm `bindM` \f -> 
              fx `bindM` \x ->
              unitM (f x)

orelseBt :: MBt a -> MBt a -> MBt a
x `orelseBt` y = unitM (++) `apM` x `apM` y

failBt :: MBt a
failBt = unitM []
But this monad lets us only perform one M-computation to produce a list of results. We might instead want to perform an M-computation for each new possible answer. To do this we need a recursive monad:
type MRBt a = M (Ans a)
data Ans a = Ans a (MRBt a) | NoAns
x `bindRBt` f = x `bindM` \y -> case y of
             NoAns -> failRBt
             Ans v x' -> f v `orelseRBt` (x' `bindRBt` f)

liftRBt m = m `bindM` \v -> unitM (Ans v failRBt)

failRBt = unitM NoAns
x `orelseRBt` y = x `bindM` \z -> case z of
               NoAns -> y
               Ans v x' -> unitM (Ans v (x' `orelseRBt` y))

Continuation I/O

If we want to build monads on top of a continuation based programming paradigm, such as stream processors or continuation based I/O in Haskell, we need to build a monad around the continuation based operations. The monad type reflects that every computation takes a continuation as a parameter, and applies it to the value to get a final result:

type MCio r a = (a -> r) -> r
unitCio v = \k -> k v
x `bindCio` f = \k -> x (\v -> f v k)
Typically, in continuation based programming, one doesn't have a bind- operation, but instead two different kinds of operations. One is used for doing side-effects, and these have the type
r -> r
The other kind of operation passes information (of type i) to the continuation, and the type of these is
(i -> r) -> r
We need to lift these two kinds of operations into monadic operations:
liftc :: (r -> r) -> MCio r ()
liftc d = \k -> d (k ())

lifti :: ((a -> r) -> r) -> MCio r a
lifti d = d


Here are examples of the two kinds of operations, from stream processors and dialogue I/O:

putCio :: o -> MCio (SP i o) ()
putCio o = liftc (putSP o)

getCio :: MCio (SP i a) i
getCio = lifti getSP

writeFileCio :: String -> String -> MCio Dialogue ()
writeFileCio file content = liftc (writeFile file content exit)

readFileCio :: String -> MCio Dialogue String
readFileCio f = lifti (readFile f exit)

Manipulating the continuation

A continuation monad also let us model control operations similar to goto in imperative languages. To do this, we need an operation to catch the continuation and return it as a value, and an operation to jump to a continuation (see the example Devils and Angels for an application of these operations):

callccCio :: ((a -> r) -> MCio r a) -> MCio r a
callccCio f = \k -> f k k

jumpCio :: (a -> r) -> a -> MCio r b
jumpCio k v = \_ -> k v

Continuation monad, continued

The operations callcc and jump could be useful to add to any monad. The continuation monad can in fact be added to any monad, by letting the result type be a monad value. In addition to the above operations, we only need the lift operation:

liftCio :: M a -> MCio (M r) a
liftCio m = \k -> m `bindM` \v -> k v

An Example: Dialogue I/O, State and Exceptions

Suppose we want to do dialogue I/O in our monad, as well as manipulate state and handle exceptions on top of that. Combining the types given above, we get the type

type MSt d s a = s -> MCio d (a,s)
type MEx e d s a = MSt d s (Error e a)
type MyMonad a = MEx MyError Dialogue MyState a
type MyError = ...
type MyState = ...
If we want, we can rename the operations in the topmost monad if we don't want to reveal the structure of it:
bind :: MyMonad a -> (a -> MyMonad b) -> MyMonad b
bind = bindEx

raise :: MyError -> MyMonad a
raise = raiseEx

handle :: MyMonad a -> (MyError -> MyMonad a) -> MyMonad a
handle = handleEx
Operations from the lower monads need to be lifted:
unit :: a -> MyMonad a
unit = liftEx . liftSt . unitCio

fetch :: MyMonad MyState
fetch = liftEx fetchSt

store :: MyState -> MyMonad MyState
store s = liftEx (storeSt s)

dodia :: (Dialogue -> Dialogue) -> MyMonad ()
dodia = liftEx . liftSt . liftc

getdia :: ((a -> Dialogue) -> Dialogue) -> MyMonad a
getdia = liftEx . liftSt . lifti
How can we invoke a computation of type MyMonad a? By expanding the type, we get
type MyMonad a = 
  MyState -> ((Error MyError a,MyState) -> Dialogue) -> Dialogue
which indicates a suitable way of invoking it on the toplevel in a program:
invoke :: MyMonad a -> MyState -> Dialogue
invoke m startstate = m startstate (\_ -> done)
Here, we ignore the final state, as well as the final (error-)value.


Sheng Liang, Paul Hudak, and Mark Jones. Monad transformers and modular interpreters. In Conference Record of POPL'95: 22nd ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, pages 333--343, San Francisco, California, January 1995.

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Systematic Design of Monads

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