The window snapshots were made on a
Unix workstation running the X Windows system and a window manager
providing Windows-95-like window frames.
For practical details, such as where to get the Fudget library, which platforms are supported, and how to compile programs, see Appendix A.
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Here is the source code:
Note:import Fudgets main = fudlogue (shellF "Hello" (labelF "Hello, world!"))
should be imported.fudlogue
connects the main fudget to Haskell's I/O system, thus starting a dialogue between them. It sets up the communication with the window system, gathers commands sent from all fudgets in the program and sends them to the window system, and distributes events coming from the window system to the appropriate fudgets.fudlogue :: F a b -> IO ()
which given a window title and a fudget, creates a shell window containing the graphical user interface defined by the argument fudget. The fudgets for GUI elements, likeshellF :: String -> F a b -> F a b
, can not
be used directly on the top level in a program, but must appear
inside a shell window.labelF
The argument is the label to be displayed. The label can be a value of any type that is an instance of thelabelF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F b c
class. The Fudget library provides instances for many predefined
types, including strings. The Graphic
class is discussed
in Section 27.1.
Both the input and output types of labelF
are type
variables that do not occur anywhere else. This indicates that
none of the high-level streams are used by labelF
has only one parameter: the label to be
displayed. Most GUI fudgets come in two versions: a standard
version, like labelF
, and a customisable version, for
example labelF'
, which allows you to change
parameters like fonts and colors, for which the standard version
provides default values. See Chapter 15 for more details.
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The program shows a numeric entry field at the bottom and a number
display at the top. Whenever the user enters a number in the
entry field and presses the Return
key, the factorial of that number
is computed and displayed in the number display.
Here is the source code:
Note:import Fudgets main = fudlogue (shellF "Factorial" facF) facF = intDispF >==< mapF fac >==< intInputF fac 0 = 1 fac n = n * fac (n-1)
is structured as a serial composition of
three parts, using the operator >==<
. Notice that, as
with ordinary function composition, data flows from right to
left. The parts are:fudlogue
and shellF
the top level as in the previous examples (Section 9.1).
Although this program does something useful (at least compared to the two previous examples), it could be made more user friendly, e.g., by adding some explanatory text to the user interface. The next example shows how to do this.>==< :: F a b -> F c a -> F c b intInputF :: F Int Int mapF :: (a -> b) -> F a b intDispF :: F Int a
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We have made the factorial function example from Section 9.2 more self documenting by adding labels to the entry field and the output display. We have also changed the order of the two parts: the entry field is now above the display.
Here is the source code:
Note:import Fudgets main = fudlogue (shellF "Factorial" facF) facF = placerF (revP verticalP) ( ("x! =" `labLeftOfF` intDispF) >==< mapF fac >==< ("x =" `labLeftOfF` intInputF)) fac 0 = 1 fac n = n * fac (n-1)
to put labels to the left of the entry field and the display.
(In Haskell, back quotes can be used to turn any function into an infix
operator, as we have done with labLeftOfF
be applied to a composition of fudgets to specify the relative
placement of the parts. (The layout system automatically picks
some placement if layout is left unspecified.)
The first argument to placerF
is a placer, in our case
revP verticalP
, where verticalP
causes the parts to be stacked vertically, with the leftmost fudget
in the composition at the top, and revP
reverses the order of the parts.
labLeftOfF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F b c -> F b c placerF :: Placer -> F a b -> F a b revP :: Placer -> Placer verticalP :: Placer
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This program has a button and a numeric display. Pressing the button increments the number in the display.
The application-specific code in this example sits between the button and the display. It maintains an internal counter which is incremented and output to the display whenever a click is received from the button.
Here is the source code:
Note:import Fudgets main = fudlogue (shellF "Up Counter" counterF) counterF = intDispF >==< mapstateF count 0 >==< buttonF "Up" count n Click = (n+1,[n+1])
is a serial composition of three parts.
At the output end we see the familiar
At the input end of the pipe line is a button created with
It outputs a Click
when pressed. The middle component
maintains an internal counter. The counter is incremented and
output to the display when a Click
is received
from the button.mapstateF
, like mapF
, allows messages sent
between fudgets to be processed in an application-specific
way. With mapstateF
, an arbitrary number of messages
can be output as response to an input message. In addition, the
output can depend not only on the current input, but also on an
internal state. mapstateF
has two arguments: a state transition function and an initial state. When applied to
the current state and an input message, the state transition
function should produce a new internal state and a list of output
The function count
is the state transition function
in this program.
automatically displays 0
when the program starts. The
initial value of the counter happens to be 0
as well. If
the 0
is changed in the definition of counterF
the display will still show 0
when the program
starts. One way to fix this is to use the customisable version of
to specify the initial value to display.
This and the previous examples show how serial composition creates a communication channel from one fudget to another. But what if a fudget needs input from more than one source? The next example shows one possible solution.buttonF :: (Graphic a) => a -> F Click Click data Click = Click mapstateF :: (a -> b -> (a, [c])) -> a -> F b c
Figure 6. The up/down counter.
The two buttons affect the same counter.
Here is the source code:
Note:import Fudgets main = fudlogue (shellF "Up/Down Counter" counterF) counterF = intDispF >==< mapstateF count 0 >==< (buttonF filledTriangleUp >+< buttonF filledTriangleDown) count n (Left Click) = (n+1,[n+1]) count n (Right Click) = (n-1,[n-1])
withbuttonF ...
using the operator(buttonF ... >+< buttonF ...)
for parallel composition.Left
and output from the right component is tagged
. The constructors Left
and Right
constructors in the datatype Either
function will now receive Left Click
Right Click
, depending on which button was pressed. It has
been adjusted accordingly. (Note that Left Click
and Right Click
have nothing to do with the left and right mouse
>+< :: F a b -> F c d -> F (Either a c) (Either b d) filledTriangleUp :: FlexibleDrawing filledTriangleDown :: FlexibleDrawing
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This program extends the counter example with yet another button. The counter can now be incremented, decremented and reset.
Here is the source code:
Note:import Fudgets main = fudlogue (shellF "Up/Down/Reset Counter" counterF) counterF = intDispF >==< mapstateF count 0 >==< buttonsF data Buttons = Up | Down | Reset deriving Eq buttonsF = listF [(Up, buttonF "Up" ), (Down, buttonF "Down" ), (Reset, buttonF "Reset" )] count n (Up, Click) = (n+1, [n+1]) count n (Down, Click) = (n-1, [n-1]) count n (Reset, Click) = (0, [0])
. The argument to listF
is a list of
pairs of addresses and fudgets. The addresses are used when
messages are sent and received from the components in the
, the elements of which are used as the addresses of
the buttons. The messages received by the count
are pairs of Buttons
values and Click
listF :: (Eq a) => [(a, F b c)] -> F (a, b) (a, c)
Figure 7. The loadable up/down counter.
The program extends the up/down counter in Section 9.5 by allowing the user to set the counter to any value by entering it in the display field.
Here is the source code:
Note:import Fudgets main = fudlogue (shellF "Loadable Up/Down Counter" counterF) counterF = loopThroughRightF (mapstateF count 0) intInputF >==< (buttonF filledTriangleUp >+< buttonF filledTriangleDown) count n (Left n') = (n', []) count n (Right (Left Click)) = (n+1, [Left (n+1)]) count n (Right (Right Click)) = (n-1, [Left (n-1)])
we have used intInputF
which not only displays numbers, but also allows the user to enter
to allow
the count
function to both receive input from and send
output to intDispF
. In the composition loopThroughRightF fud1 fud2
, fud1 handles the communication
with the outside world (the buttons in this example), while fud2
can communicate only with fud1, and is in this sense
encapsulated by fud1. In fud1, messages to/from fud2 are
tagged Left
and messages to/from the outside world are
tagged Right
loopThroughRightF :: F (Either a b) (Either c d) -> F c a -> F b d
Figure 8. The calculator.
For simplicity, postfix notation is used, i.e., to compute 3+4 you enter
3 Ent 4 +
. The source code can be found in Figure 9.
import Fudgets main = fudlogue (shellF "Calculator" calcF) calcF = intDispF >==< mapstateF calc [0] >==< buttonsF data Buttons = Plus | Minus | Times | Div | Enter | Digit Int deriving Eq buttonsF = placerF (matrixP 4) ( listF [d 7, d 8, d 9, op Div, d 4, d 5, d 6, op Times, d 1, d 2, d 3, op Minus, hole, d 0, ent, op Plus]) where d n = (Digit n,buttonF (show n)) ent = op Enter hole = (Enter,holeF) op o = (o,buttonF (opLabel o)) where opLabel Plus = "+" opLabel Minus = "-" opLabel Times = "*" opLabel Div = "/" opLabel Enter = "Ent" calc (n:s) (Digit d,_) = new (n*10+d) s calc s (Enter,_) = (0:s,[]) calc (y:x:s) (Plus,_) = new (x+y) s calc (y:x:s) (Minus,_) = new (x-y) s calc (y:x:s) (Times,_) = new (x*y) s calc (y:x:s) (Div,_) = new (x `div` y) s calc s _ = (s,[]) new n s = (n:s,[n])Figure 9. Source code for the calculator.
(as in Section 9.3)
and the placer matrixP
which has the number of columns as an argument.calc
) is a stack (represented
as a list) of numbers. The function calc
and pops numbers from the stacks as appropriate. The last
clause in the definition means that nothing happens if
there are too few values on the stack for an operation.buttonF
allows you to
specify a keyboard shortcut for the button. It would thus be
relatively easy to make the calculator controllable from the keyboard.
matrixP :: Int -> Placer